Cleveland Ohio Computer Repair Tips

New Email Scam Warning

As we’ve had a steady stream of customers looking for cheap computer repair  in Cleveland Ohio, we often get the inside scoop on the latest malicious software and online scams. One of the latest, and most troublesome current scams involves an email that claims to be an “online statement” from VISA.

Users will get emails with a range of different subject lines, but most contain the words “Possible Fraudulent Transaction Occurred with Your VISA Card” The email then asks users to review their “VISA electronic report” by clicking on the link provided below. Even though the link looks it’s going to a safe domain that begins with, it’s not. That’s because there’s no domain named What actually happens is that the link goes elsewhere and installs a file called cardstatement.exe, which is actually the Zbot banking Trojan horse virus, also known as Zeus. After it’s downloaded, it cause the PC to contact a Zeus control server and send it whatever password information it can find on your hard drive.

Remember, banks and credit card companies will never need to download programs onto your PC. Any email that tries to do such a thing is most likely a virus or malware program. If your computer starts to act unusually, if it’s trying to contact strange servers or Websites, then you PC may have a virus. When you want you PC fixed fast, check out our services that offer computer repair for cheap in Cleveland Ohio.


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