Cleveland Computer Repair FAQ: How to Tell The Difference Between a Wireless Router and a Cable Modem

Cable modem wiring diagram for home or business.

Having difficulties deciding which type of computer network device you need? Maybe you already bought your equipment in Cleveland, but you don’t know if you bought the right computer hardware to have a wireless Internet connection. Our Cleveland computer repair tech has your answer.

It is important to know how a cable modem differs from a wireless router. The major difference between these two devices is that routers connect two or more computers to a network, while cable modems are used to connect a computer to an ISP (Internet Service Provider.) The advantage of wireless routers is that families may use the device to link computers in different rooms to a single connection.

Cable modems utilize multiple cables to connect computers to the Internet, whereas wireless routers are much more space efficient. Wireless routers require fewer cords and cables to establish a connection.

In terms of compatibility, another important difference exists between these devices. While wireless routers can work with any Internet connection, cable modems can only function with cable connections.

Lastly, replacing a cable modem can create more hassle than a wireless router. As ISP’s enhance and develop new technologies for their networks, cable modems often need to be replaced. However, wireless routers can still be used. Routers have the capability to readily adapt to any network. Contact our Cleveland computer repair tech for more information on choosing the proper equipment for your home network.

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